More fun with linked lists: implementing each and sort

A little while ago I posted about my indulgent use of a linked list in a Ruby on Rails project I’m working on. The list allowed me to define the linked objects’ methods in the recursive case analysis style I’ve learned from programming in Scheme. I wrote that I was surprised that this decision hasn’t […]

Don’t Blink: Keeping Up with the Exploding Ruby Space

I recently realized I have more things tagged ruby and toread on than I can possibly hope to process. I’ve never been close to a developing technical community before, if following blogs and news sites, and occasionally trying stuff out for myself counts as being close. Is this how it normally goes? Just when […]

Love/Hate: RSpec

I decided a couple of months ago that my haphazard unit testing practices were not covering enough of my Rails projects’ code. It’s easy, when you’re the only developer on a project, to get pretty lazy about a lot of things, and testing is one of them. See, I believe firmly in testing. Untested code […]